Saturday, April 6, 2013

Time Travel

Lately, well….not really lately…but let’s just say lately….I’ve been thinking about a particular person that really hurt me, many years ago.  It’s not a burden that I carry around every day, and honestly I kind of forgot about it, but ………good ole friggin’ Facebook.

There I was sitting in my office looking at status updates and memes and all kinds of fun stuff, when all of a sudden a familiar name and face popped up.  It was by totally chance that he was “tagged” in a group of people at an automotive event that I was looking at.  I was stunned at first, but there was no denying it.  Nearly thirty years have passed since I interacted with this guy, but still, through the years, the face, the eyes, his carriage were displayed in a current version weathered and fattened by three passing decades.  My pointer hung over the “Friend” button and seemed to be waiting instruction from me.  I considered it, but instead considered the complications of a possible interaction.
This character, while I won’t go into details, really abused a position of authority, and when it suited him, stabbed me squarely in the spine.  His manipulation of me was in no way physical or sexual, but was abusive none the less.  In the first year or two that passed, I admit I had vengeful fantasies, but the current of my life soon washed those feelings away, my anger and the memory with it.  It’s not like I would have handed the guy a solid smack-down, but I did want to let him know just what a piece of shit he was.  When the incident happened, I was not in a position to be able to do so without further repercussions, and so held my tongue.  It’s probably just that more than anything.  Few things cause me more stress than not being able to serve up someone a nice hot dish of “go-f^%$-yourself” when I really need to.  In reality his behavior did me a tremendous service.  I grew up a little.  I realized that people might possibly not be who they pretended to be.  I learned that people will lie from the highest podium, pulpit, rostrum or lecturn without fear or concern.  I didn’t know it at the time.  I was just a kid who was already having trouble reconciling the actions of others and was desperately looking for a role model.  I needed reinforcement, not betrayal.  Even those folks in authority over this guy were ready and willing to look the other way.  I quietly took the pain, endured the stress, shouldered the load so to speak and moved on. 
So there I was, sitting at my desk, the mouse still hanging over the friend button.  He looked old and broken.  I felt a bit glad about it.  It was evident, at least by his Facebook page, that his life had not turned out like he had hoped, and I dared to sip a little juice from the red solo cup of justice.  For a few minutes, I considered contacting him at his home or place of work,  (turns out he lives and works within easy driving distance from me) just to slam my fists into this desk and tell him what his actions had cost me, in humiliation, confusion and straight out money.  I wanted him to own a taste or even just experience a small measure of the pain he had caused me.
Facebook can be a great portal for traveling back in time.  In his pictures, I could see so very easily see the arrogance of a man who once seemed to have it all. In his eyes I could see the emptiness that one earns by possibly making a lifetime career out of treating others as he had treated me.    He was, and is, a fabrication of bravado and ego, and I suddenly realized that he held no power over me.  The footing, on which we now both stand, is no longer stacked in his favor.  It really wasn’t all those years ago either, but I just didn’t know it then. 
That which I had wanted to pound out with my fists, years ago, time had done for me instead.  I'm sure he’s forgotten me.  Our interaction was just selfish entertainment for him, of that I'm sure.  Whatever value he placed on his own fortune of self importance has long been squandered.  It has cost him far more than it did me.  Far more…and I'm ok with it.  Now, If I were to pass him on the street, and happened to notice out of the corner of my eye that he was on fire, I would have to stop and think for a minute to decide if I felt like pissing in his direction…at least that’s what I'm saying here so I can look all tough, like I don’t care…but…of course it isn’t true.  If we were to meet on the street I hope he would not hesitate to apologize, which is really all it takes with me to restore that initial level of trust that new friendships openly enjoy, but to be honest… I doubt it.

I cannot think of a good reason to make contact, save the small nagging feeling in the back of my skull that someone “got one over” on me.  It’s my own pride talking.  It’s been kicked and beaten and bruised so many damn times that I’m honestly amazed it’s still working at all.  Based on my journey through time on the Facebook Express, I have been able to put that little episode to bed and return to the present unharmed.  He was a “noisy gong” of a man.  Sadly, it appears that he stuck to an ancient, archaic and really immoral code of ethics and conduct.  There is no room in my life for that.   

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